Lolita History Gallery

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Hello and welcome. This is a collection of lolita stock photos and low quality scans of sections of out of print fashion magazines (most are over 10 years old). The images are provided for fashion history study under fair use. We encourage people who are interested in the fashion to attempt to obtain physical copies of the fashion publications through second hand book sellers, like amazon japan.

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1972 1976 1977 1979 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018 2019 2021 20471120 5th Club 6% Doki Doki A+Lidel A.T AatP abilletage Ai Yazawa Algonquins Alice Auaa an*ten*na Ange Angelic Pretty Antique Beast Arachnophobia Atelier Boz Atelier Pierrot Atsuki Onishi Baby Doll Beauty Beast best/e Betty's Blue Bigi Black Lips Bodyline Boku Girl Books BPN BtSSB Carina e Arlequin Chantilly Chocochip Cookie Chocomint Classic Lolita (brand) Clove vs Cloves Cornet Count Down Dangerous Nude Decora Deorart Despair Devil of London Dgrace Dictionary Drug Spider e Earth Music Ecology EGA elements Emily Temple ETC Excentrique F.i.n.t. Fairy-Kei FanPlusFriend Fashion School Glasses GLB Covers Gotick decoration grace continental Grimoire Gyaru h.Jelly H.Naoto Hakka Hakka Homme Heart E Heavy Syrup Hell Cat Punks Hiromichi Nakano hyper on hyper I.S. Illustrations Innocent World Interview Iori Jane Marple Jean Paul Gauthier Juliette et Justine K/K Kazuko Ogawa Kensho Kissa La Brea La Luice Larmes de Angel Leur Getter Lolita Guide Lumiebre Lunatic Lemony Lollipop Magical Girl Mana-Sama Marble Marchenmerry Margo Mary Magdalene Maxicimam Metamorphose Mezzo Piano Miho Matsuda MILK Millefleurs Moga Moi Meme Moitie Na+H Nicole Norihisa Ota Novala Old School Lolita Ozone p Patchy Peace Now Pina Sweet Collection Pink House Powder Pretty Princess Doll proto-lolita Putumayo Q.Pot Reebok request/come back to RHS Ribbon Holic Ric a Rac Rose is a Rose RoseMarie Seoir Royal Princess Alice Ruha Garden Schwarz Schmetterling Seraphim sex-pot-revenge Sexy Dynamite London/Stigmata Sheglit shinichiro arakawa Shirley Temple Shop Listings Shopping Bags Shot gun Wedding Smoking Soraumiberry spica Steam Street/Event Snaps Suppurate System Swimmer The Class Triple Fortune Twins Union Jack Usagi Youhinten Victorian Maiden Vierge Vampur Visible Viva You Vivienne Westwood w Wild Strawberry Wonderful World Xing YeeHaw Zappas