Featured Translations
Velvet Translations – Le Panier Mook – Imai Kira Interview Translation
A translation of an interview with Imai Kira in the Le Panier Mook, published in 2018
Velvet Translations – Metamorphose Temps de Fille – Brand Story Translation
A translation of an interview with designer Kuniko Kato from Gothic Lolita Bible issue 11, published 2004
Masuda Sebastian
Antique Beast
- 100 Questions Meme (Nov 2000)
Baby the Stars Shine Bright / Alice & The Pirates
Akinori Isobe & Fumiyo, Kumiko Uehara, Masumi Kanou, Saki Tachibana, Mitsuba, Tomomi Nakamura
- High Style, Low Budget – Shojo Beat 2007 [x]
- Interview with Fashion Designer Akinori Isobe – Kamikaze Girls 2005 (or earlier)
- Tokyo Rebel – interview – Baby, the Stars Shine Bright/Alice and the Pirates Pt. 1 [Mirror]
- Tokyo Rebel – interview – Baby, the Stars Shine Bright/Alice and the Pirates Pt. 2 [Mirror]
Innocent World
Yuki Fujiwara
Kamikaze Girls
- Interview with director Tetsuya Nakashima
- Interview with actress Kyoko Fukada
- Interview with actress Anna Tsuchiya
- Interview with composer Yoko Kanno
Mary Magdalene
Metamorphose Temps De Fille
Kuniko Kato
- Metamorphose Temps de Fille – Brand Story Translation
- ◆◇◆◇メタモルフォーゼのつくりかた◆◇◆◇ (How to make Metamorphose ~ 2002)
- 1・メタモル流 ロリータファッション (Metamor style lolita fashion )
- 2・運命をあやつれ (Mischief your fate)
- 3・見せること・見られるということ (Being able to show and be seen)
- 4・それぞれの認識方 (How to recognize each)
- 5・そんなに笑われたくないですか? (Don’t you want to be laughed at so much?)
- 6・かわいくなろうよ (It will be cute)
- 7・サイズについて (About size)
- 8・脱・受身であること (Being passive)
- 9・未開の地 (Undeveloped land)
- 10.ロリータファッションにまつわる見ざる・言わざる的裏の部分について (About the behind-the-scenes parts of Lolita fashion)